Thursday, August 30, 2007

Quiznos Commercial

Quiznos Sub Shops are know for their gourmet deli-style sandwhiches...and also known for having Subway as their main competition. With Subway leading the market for quick-submarine sandwhiches and approach to living a healthier lifestyle, why would Quiznos choose a rodent-esk puppet to represent them in their marketing campaign?

As a consumer, I am more likely to go to the place with "Eat Fresh" as the logo than the place that shows rodents by my food the next time I'm craving a sanwhich and chips.



gunbunny12 said...

Can't agree more. Rotten looking rodents next to my hot toasty sub is not what I want to see. Show me the food and the options I'll have, but get rid of the nasty little mascots. What's next, coockroaches with chef hats?

Professor Sanghvi said...

i agree with gobunny12 - i could never understand the quizno ads. which is probably why i don't eat there! it somehow repels me.