Thursday, November 29, 2007


When I opened my email today via Hotmail, I was surprised at the email I received from the Windows messaging Team. Usually, as I'm sure you do too, I receive little notes about updates on storage and functions. Today, however, I was pleasantly surprised.
Instant Messenger has teamed up to reach young consumers-and those young at heart-to help get involved in the world around them. When you download the new messenging service, you are taking an active part in your community and your world. Every IM sent includes money to an organization of your choice. What a way to help others every time you're chatting online! I think this is an awesome idea, and will promote leadership in the younger generation.
Here is a piece of the email:

"It's a great reminder of how one person can have a huge impact. And how more of us, working together, can build a movement.Which is why we urge you to join the i'm Initiative (if you haven't already). Just download Windows Live Messenger and join. Every time you IM, we'll donate part of our ad revenue to a social cause organization."


1 comment:

Christos & Ashley said...

i too think that is a great way to get involved and make a difference. So many people access the internet everytday so I think there should be more ways to help the community and if we do it in ways that we do things everyday then there will be a better turn on. Especially this time of year people humble themselves and want to lend a helping hand to others.