Thursday, November 29, 2007

Johnson Automotive Motors- Tired of being Badgered?!

Right here in North Carolina, we have an interesting ad campaign brewing at our fingertips. Johnson Automotive Motors of Raleigh has partnered with the same folks that created the Geico commercials. These commercials include a badger instead of a gecko and a caveman. They use a badger, with the tag line-"tired of being badgered?"-incorporates stereotypes that car salesmen are unfortunately known for. Here's one to make you laugh:
Although this is an odd choice of animals to choose, its name and its humor definitely get the message out about Johnson Automotive!



When I opened my email today via Hotmail, I was surprised at the email I received from the Windows messaging Team. Usually, as I'm sure you do too, I receive little notes about updates on storage and functions. Today, however, I was pleasantly surprised.
Instant Messenger has teamed up to reach young consumers-and those young at heart-to help get involved in the world around them. When you download the new messenging service, you are taking an active part in your community and your world. Every IM sent includes money to an organization of your choice. What a way to help others every time you're chatting online! I think this is an awesome idea, and will promote leadership in the younger generation.
Here is a piece of the email:

"It's a great reminder of how one person can have a huge impact. And how more of us, working together, can build a movement.Which is why we urge you to join the i'm Initiative (if you haven't already). Just download Windows Live Messenger and join. Every time you IM, we'll donate part of our ad revenue to a social cause organization."


Is it the Women with the Poor Credit?

While watching television tonight, a commercial came on from

We all understand that identity theft is a crucial aspect of becoming a responsible consumer-and an adult. However, in this commercial, presented to the beat of a little jingle, the [male] consumer sings about his new wife and his negligence in knowing about her poor credit history before they got married. He goes on to sing about if she wasn't slack in her bill paying, and irresponsible in her spending, he would have a bigger house, and not stuck in his parents basement.
The women of 2007 have made themselves notorious for succeeding further in their education and within their work environments then men in today's society. They are able to take on motherhood, a career, a marriage, and an individual role as a confident person. This advertisement seems a little condescending towards women, and I, a woman who works extremely hard to be successful and independent, do not think this campaign will be effective for the 2007 market. Perhaps in the 1950s it would have worked- if the Internet was around then of course.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Did you get your daily dose of news?

When is comes to staying on top of the news, I prefer to mix it up. I don't think any one news carrier is really the best or carriers all the information one should know and understand. On a day-to-day basis, I tune into the Today Show, visit, read my WWD, and scan the headlines on

The Today Shows not only gives me the news but also real life interviews. I can keep up with new health and consumer studies and even learn how to cook something new for dinner. The Today Shows gives a little bit of everything all in one. I receive my national news, local news, get to listen to music, hear movie reviews, and even stay current on my celebrity gossip.
Although you can find all of this information using an online news carrier, the TV programs doesn't require me to sit in front of my computer to learn something new. I can get ready to begin the day, eat breakfast, and even finish some homework while having the Today Show on my television.
In addition, just like, I can search for archived episodes and articles using the Today Show's website.

If I need to search for topics in the news that are not so mainstream, I will use I am a registered user and even receive their weekly magazine UrbanEye to my email. This weekly newsletter is catered to my interests and includes articles pertaining to up and coming fashion, music, art.

I think that in order to become an educated person, you need to expose yourself to many different types of news carriers. No single vice can satisfy every interest in every person.


Monday, November 5, 2007

A Commercial for Us?!

Professor Sanghvi forwarded a commercial to all of us about our class. A commercial? For Us? The idea is really cool, and I wonder who it was that created it. It would have been awesome if each of us could have added our own ideas about what is should contain....after all, we are studying advertising!
I think tweaking the commercial a little would help get the word out about what our department is about, who our students are, and what RCS 362 is. What a way to help bring the CARS students together!
In order to spread the word about the blogs in our class, we could send out an email with that direct youtube link. Other CARS students would be able to view it and get excited about our department while other UNCG students could understand what makes the CARS department so cool! Around this time of year, the projects mount, the morale falls, and our schedules become busier than ever. Providing fellow students with a reminder of just how interesting the industry we're studing is could be just the pick me up we all need with only a month left of the semester.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Yahoo Avatars! What a cool idea! I love the way you can change your outfit, your mood, your location, and even the cause you support as often as you want. You can create an avatar to look identical to you or anything but look like you. What a way to add some creativity to online chatting!
I have not used a messenging service since high school, but I am a big fan of Myspace. I think if Yahoo were to partner with FaceBook or Myspace to include the Avatar feature there, it would be a big hit. Besides, I've heard of almost everyone talking about Myspace, but never Avatar until class....


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ad Agencies

Our class had the pleasure of having Shelly Kelly from Kelly MarCom. She is the CEO of Kelly MarCom Ad Agency that she started her self at the age of 24. Her business continues to grow and she loves what she does. I enjoyed her and the information that she shared with us. For her first time giving a somewhat lecture, I think she did a awesome job. It such a inspiration to see some take something they love to do and make in to something profitable. That way you always like your job.The way she talks, you can tell how passionate she is about her work. Not only passionate about her work but also her clients.

I took away so interesting information. I learned that a it takes a lot of work to create an ad for a client. It truly takes a team to working together. I honestly had no idea the work that goes into a ad. All I see is the finish product. It must feel great to know that you help a client reach their goal. The job opportunities that are available in a ad agency are almost endless. There were so many positions that were interesting to me, I begin to think that I might be in the wrong major. I don't know about anyone else but this has gotten me to thinking about other avenues I might want to research and explorer more. I never thought about working in a ad agency, but I am now!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I'm so Pretty, Oh, so, Pretty

Are beauty products really only for men in today's society?

Aveda's new campaign directed toward men addresses this very question. With specific formulations in shampoos, conditioners, skin treatments, and shave essentials, men have more than they ever dreamed of in ways to take better care of their appearance.

The campaign states, "There is a difference in Men and Women", and with the help of Aveda's in-store beauty advisers and website, men learn just how different...when it comes to grooming needs that is.
The website features navigation tabs including: Get This Look, helping men to create a new trend in hair styling themselves; the Skin tab outlines specific regimens to follow for every skin type; and the FAQs tab answers questions about hair, skin, and body care ranging from the most obvious, to more serious concerns making it super easy for men to find the answers their looking for, but maybe have been too timid to ask in the past.

While the female 30s & 40s crowd has grown from cold cream addictions, their explorations of advanced cosmetic procedures has skyrocketed, leaving the booming beauty industry ready for the boys. The seed has now officially been planted in mainstream society, that, yes, men need eye cream, too; and although they may not make that Botox appointment just yet, a simple tube of SPF 15 can do the trick.

As we stated in class, chivalry may be dead, but the Man of the Millennium needs to cook, clean, and take care of his appearance.


Friday, September 7, 2007

My Space

MySpace or Facebook that is the question. Well I choose MySpace. I must admit that it took me awhile to create a MySpace page. I had heard about MySpace but didn't think much about it until my eleven year old came to me wanting a MySpace page. So I thought I needed to look more into this. I one afternoon and just went through and looked at some of the people who were on there and what they had on their pages. All I could say was WOW! At that point I told my daughter "ABSOLUTELY NOT." This was not something for a eleven year old and plus you have to be thirteen to have a page. although she showed me some of her friends that have MySpace pages. Then my husband got a page and raved about how much he liked it. Plus my friends would keep asking me did I have a page. So I finally broke down and created a page for myself. It took me a minute to get how to do everything but I finally got it. I have come to like MySpace. I prefer MySpace over Facebook for one major reason, networking! I have been able to network with people across the globe. I talked with people from Japan to Germany. For example I meet a young lady in Japan that makes her own clothes and designs. She often sends me some of here sketches. We've even talked about a business adventure. A lot of business also have a MySpace page, which I think is great. I mean I also get to keep in touch with friends and meet new people but the networking is great.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Quiznos Commercial

Quiznos Commercial

Quiznos Sub Shops are know for their gourmet deli-style sandwhiches...and also known for having Subway as their main competition. With Subway leading the market for quick-submarine sandwhiches and approach to living a healthier lifestyle, why would Quiznos choose a rodent-esk puppet to represent them in their marketing campaign?

As a consumer, I am more likely to go to the place with "Eat Fresh" as the logo than the place that shows rodents by my food the next time I'm craving a sanwhich and chips.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Vera Wang

As I sat in class on Tuesday I was lost. Not by what we were talking about but who we were talking about, Vera Wang. I sat there and was thinking to my self "Who in the would is Vera Wang?" One of my classmates said that they felt everyone knew who she is. Not me. Well let me say this, I have heard the name but that's about it. As the discussion continued I learned more about Vera Wang. So I went home and did a little research on her. Wow. Her designs for her wedding gowns are gorgeous and expensive! Not only that but she has a lot going on. I asked myself why I haven't heard or paid much attention to Vera Wang. Well after looking at the prices of her designs, I think that may be it. Someone like me wouldn't look at things like that because I wouldn't be able to afford it. But I do realize now that being in this major I do need to be abreast on all designers.